Afforestation & Reforestation

The world’s billionaires could formulate and finance a thorough plan for reforestation and afforestation.


  • The majority of forests that are bulldozed are done so for agriculture grazing land. However, there is an abundance of food in this world and no need to increase the amount of farming space when 1.3 billion tonnes of food are wasted every year. The billionaires could pool their money together to form a plan for food redistribution, allowing for more efficiency with food waste. 

  • If that is too big a problem to solve (since it’d also solve world hunger), they could buy up the land that has been bulldozed and replant trees. This is particularly necessary between the tropics where you have tropical rainforests that are responsible for a vast number of clouds and weather patterns we see around the world. It would also briefly put a stop to our planet’s hemorrhage of biodiversity loss.

  • Alternatively, if they desperately wanted to continue to use it for agricultural needs, they could dedicate the land to energy crops that would replace fossil fuel use and lead to improved energy efficiency

  • They can enlist forest management to increase the carbon density of existing forests. 

  • They can buy land to prohibit the loss from future deforestation.

  • They can also choose to ignore all of these ideas and instead launch a car in a rocket in space or develop plans to have tunnels burrowed underground so that they, God’s gift to mankind, don’t need to wait in traffic. I just think these are unrealistic things for anyone to do (I mean, who would actually do that?), especially when solving the climate crisis is honestly so much easier.


The billionaires could use their copious and unnecessarily large amounts of money to buy more land—not for another mega-mansion, but for establishing new forests. After all, global forests remove about 30% of yearly emissions from fossil fuels.

There needs to be an incentive for the billionaires, of course, which is why I propose that each tree is allowed to vote in the general election. For Mike Bloomberg.

Tierney Acott