Build Sustainable Power

I’m no economics wiz, but with the price of crude oil as low as it currently is because of the coronavirus and Saudi / Russian oil feuds, the billionaires could dump all of their money in renewables. It would make solar and wind turbines more affordable and could completely bottom out oil. Obviously, you would need a lot of money, which, luckily, they have. In abundance. They should really take a leaf out of Russia’s book: they keep all the nation’s wealth in the hands of a few oligarchs who then use their money and status to move the country in ways that benefit them. Therefore, the US billionaires should team together and  build wind and solar farms to drive down the cost of fossil fuels to where they're worthless.

This would, of course, exclude oil billionaires. Then again, maybe not? BP seems to think they’re going to be carbon neutral by 2050… how they’re going to do that as a fossil fuel company is a puzzle enough. Then again… maybe they’re already on our plan here… better catch up Exxon and Chevron! It needs to be you guys because Elon can’t focus on windmills right now because he needs to send more rockets into “space” (read: oblivion). Who else is dumping a staggering amount of pollutants with no purpose. No one. Elon needs to keep up this very important work because if he stops, he might do something stupid like invent a solar powered automobile!

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Tierney Acott