Sustainable Industries

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If billionaires made their companies more sustainable, they’d have to put fewer effort into them because your outputs would become your inputs. 

For example: if Apple headquarters were powered by solar, imagine how much they would save in heating that stupid glass building. Or if Amazon delivery trucks and planes were electric, imagine how much they’d save on petrol. 

Other ways they could save:

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  • More efficient end-use electrical equipment would lead to less power costs.

  • Improved heat and power recovery leads to less heating costs.

  • Material recycling and substitution leads to less purchasing and mining of resources.

  • Advanced energy efficiency leads to less spending on energy.

  • Wood structures avoids taxes put in place on the carbon emissions in concrete.

  • Recycling waste and landfill materials as biomass fuel leads to less fuel costs.

At the end of the day, this means more money in your pocket, billionaires! And you don’t have to get that money the old fashioned way: by stealing from your employees—you get to make their lives better too!

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Tierney Acott