Cap & Trade Initiatives


Billionaires love money. They love hoarding it for themselves instead of spreading it around the world. Now, they can take that same scheming and hoarding fun they have with money and apply it to a cap and trade system!

A cap and trade program differs from a carbon tax namely in that the price of carbon is not fixed. Rather, every year the total amount of pollution is determined (a carbon cap). The cap forces the government to focus on the problem and for polluters to develop cleaner solutions. Then, a set number of emission allowances (tonnes of CO2) are permitted that year. Industries are allotted a carbon quota, which they can choose to use for their own emissions, or they can sell it to other industries. 

Imagine! If Apple was a carbon neutral (or even carbon negative!) company! They could sell so many of their carbon credits to dumb assholes like General Motors. This creates a carbon market (capitalism!) and a variable price for carbon. Imagine all the money!

This has the double incentive of forcing industries to be more sustainable, while also, money!

Tierney Acott